FrontEnd(HTML,CSS,TailWind) Training

Created By: Team InventModel

4.85 (653 Ratings) • 238 Students Enrolled


FrontEnd(HTML,CSS,TailWind) Training

Course Description

Demo Videos:

Day1 FrontEndHTML,CSS and TailWind Training Introduction of HTML

Day2: FrontEnd- Basics of html(part1):- html tags , html lists , attributes , Links and images.

Day3: Basics of Html(part2):- Html tables and form.

Day4: FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and TailWind) Training- Html Media and Media Attributes.

Day5: FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and TailWind) Training- Create a Html project

Module A: Introduction

A.1 Html Introduction

A.2 Structure of Html

A.3 Html Comments

A.4 Writing Our First code


Module B: Basics of Html(Part-1)


B.1 Basic Html Tags

B.2 Lists

B.3 Html Attributes

B.4 Links and Images



Module C: Basics of Html(part-2)

C.1 Html Table 

C.2 Html Form



Module D: Html Multimedia


 D.1 Html media

 D.2 media attributes

 D.3 <audio> element

            D.4 <video> element

            D.5 YouTube videos


Module E: Create a Html Project


 E.1 Html Project of Resume

 E.2 Html Project of Registration Form




Module F: Introduction to CSS


F.1 CSS Introduction

F.2 CSS Syntax

F.3 Types of CSS

F.4 CSS Comments


Module G: Basics of CSS

              G.1 CSS Selectors

G.2 CSS Properties

           G.3 CSS Functions

           G.4 Box Model



Module H: Layout Technique


H.1 Display Property

H.2 Positioning

H.3 Flexbox



Module I: CSS Media Queries  


           I.1 Introduction of CSS Media Queries

I.2 CSS Media Types

I.3 CSS Media Features

I.4 Examples



Module J: CSS Transitions and Animations


            J.1 CSS Transitions

            J.2 CSS Animations


Module K: CSS Grid


            K.1 Introduction

            K.2 Grid Container

            K.3 Grid Item 



Module L: Project


            L.1 Create a Website




Module M: Introduction To Tailwind CSS


            M.1 Tailwind Introduction

            M.2 Installation

            M.3 Basic Styling with Tailwind



Module N: Basics of Tailwind


            N.1 Layout

            N.2 Customization

            N.3 Practical Application


Module O: Project


            O.1 Building a complete Website

Course Content

Level Advanced • 22 Lectures • 00 Minutes

Day1- FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and TailWind) Training- Introduction of HTML

Day2_ FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and TailWind) Training- Basics of html(part1)_- html tags , html lists , attributes , Links and images.

Day3_ FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and TailWind) Training- Basics of html(part2)_- Html Table. Html from.

Day4_ FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and TailWind) Training- Html MultiMedia and Media Attributes.

Day5_ FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and TailWind) Training- Create a Html project

Day6_ FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and TailWind) Training- Create Html Project - Application Form

Day7_ FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and TailWind) Training- Introdction of CSS.

Day8_ FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and TailWind) Training- Basics of CSS.

Day9_ FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and TailWind) Training- CSS Properties.

Day10_ FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and TailWind) Training- Layout Technique

Day11_ FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and TailWind) Training- CSS Media Queries.

Day12_ FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and TailWind) Training- CSS transform,transition, and Animations.

Day13_ FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and TailWind) Training- CSS Grid Layout

Day14_ FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and TailWind) Training- Landing Page Project using Html and CSS

Day15_ FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and TailWind) Training- Introduction and Installation of Tailwind CSS

Day16_ FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and Tailwind) Training- Tailwind CSS Layout (Part-1)

Day17_ FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and Tailwind) Training- Tailwind CSS Layout (Part-2)

Day18_ FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and Tailwind) Training- Tailwind CSS Typography(Part-1)

Day19_ FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and Tailwind) Training- Tailwind CSS Typography(Part-2)

Day20_ FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and Tailwind) Training- Tailwind CSS Background and Border classes

Day21_ FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and Tailwind) Training- Tailwind CSS Effects and Filters classes

Day22_ FrontEnd(HTML,CSS and Tailwind) Training- Tailwind CSS Tables

Course Reviews

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