JAVA Training

JAVA Training

Created By: Team InventModel

5 (752 Ratings) • 358 Students Enrolled


No -pre-requisite required.

Course Description
Demo Videos:

Day 1 - Core Java- Complete introduction of Java

Day 2: - Core Java- Installation and IDE setup

Day 3: Core Java- Know about program and syntax

Course Content:
Module A: Introduction


A.1 Introduction to java

A.2 History of java

A.3 Features of java

A.4 Comparison to other languages

Module B: IDE Setup


B.1 Install the jdk

B.2 Set the jdk environment

B.3 install an IDE

B.4 Write your first java program


Module C: Know About Program and Syntax

C.1 Explain Syntax

C.2 Explain how the program work

C.3 Why we use main method

C.4 How many types we can write the main method

C.5 Single line and Multiline Comments


Module D: Data Types in Detail


 D.1 Boolean

 D.2 Char

 D.3 Byte

            D.4 Int

            D.5 Short

            D.6 Long

            D.7 Float

            D.8 Double

            D.9 String

            D.10 Array


Module E: Decision Making(Conditional Statement)

 E.1 Introduction

            E.2 Loops in java

            E.3 if-else

            E.4 Switch Statement


Module F: keywords in java

            F.1 Introduction

            F.2 Basic Keywords

            F.3 Conditional Keywords

            F.4 Exceptional Handling Keywords



Module G: Functions/Method Constructors


G.1 Introduction

G.2 How to create a Function/Method & Constructors

           G.3 Calling a function/Method & Constructors

           G.4 Types of function/Method & Constructors(built in, user defined)



Module H: OOPs Concept


            H.1 Introduction and Benefits

            H.2 Inheritance

            H.3 Polymorphism

            H.4 Abstraction

            H.5 Encapsulation


Module I: Exceptional Handling 


I.1 Introduction

I.2 Difference Between Error and Exception

I.3 Types of Exception

I.4 How we can handle

I.5 Combinations of multiple try-catch



Module J: MultiThreading 


J.1 Introduction

J.2 How many types we can create the thread

J.3 How we can start any thread

J.4 Explain all the methods which are used in multithreading 



Module K: Collection Framework


            K.1 Introduction

            K.2 Hierarchy of Collection framework

            K.3 Explain List

            K.4 Explain Set

            K.5 Explain Queue

            K.6 Explain Map

            K.7 Explain Differences between them


Course Content

Level Advanced • 21 Lectures • 00 Minutes

Day 1 - Complete introduction of java

Day 2- Installation and IDE setup

Day 3 - Know about program and syntax

Day 4 - Explain Data-types in java

Day 5 - Core Java- Explain Decision Making(Conditional Statement)

Day 6 - Discuss all the keywords in java

Day 7 - Explain what is method function and Constructor

Day 8 - Explain OOPs concept and all the points of oops concept

Day 9 - Encapsulation in java explain how we can achieve it

Day 10 - polymorphism in java, implement how the polymorphism is used in java

Day 11 - Explain how the Abstraction can achieve in java and what is the best way to implement

Day 12 - Explain exception handling in java and implement it in our program

Day 13 - explain multithreading in java and it_s method in java

Day 14 - explain collection framework and it_s all classes in java

Day 15 - Explain List Interface and it_s classes and legacy classes

Day 16 - Explain set Interface and it_s classes

Day 17 - Explain Queue Interface and it_s classes

Day 18 - Explain map Interface and it_s classes

Day 19 _ Core Java- Explain inner classes and generics in java

Day 20 - Explain JDBC in java

Day 21 - Installation and implementation of java jdbc driver

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