Informatica Powercenter Interview Question
Posted by Admin-Lisa Posted by Dec 29, 2023 in Informatica Powercenter (ETL) Interview Ques and Ans
Question: What are the types of transformation in Informatica PowerCenter?
There are two types of transformation in informatica.
Active Transformation.
Passive Transformation.
Question: What are the properties of Active Transformation?
1 In Active Transformation the number of input rows modified while passing the data through Transformation.
2. Number of input and output rows is different.
3. Active Transformation modifies the transaction boundary.
4. Row type attributes are changed in Active Transformation.
Question: What are the properties of Active Transformation?
1. The number of rows does not change when it passes through Passive Transformation.
2. Number of input rows are equal to number of output rows.
3. Passive transformation manages the transaction boundary.
4. Passive transformation maintains row type attributes.
Question: What are the different types of Active Transformation in Informatica PowerCenter?
Source Qualifier Transformation
Joiner Transformation
Rank Transformation
Aggregator Transformations
Normalizer Transformation
Sorter Transformations
Union Transformation
Router Transformation
Filter Transformation
Update Strategy Transformation
Question: What is Aggregator Transformation?
It is used to perform calculation like counts, averages, sum etc. which is applied on group of data. It is performed of a group of rows.
Types of Aggregate functions.
AVG(Average) (This function calculates the average of Column Value)
COUNT (This function counts the number of values in column)
MAX (It finds the maximum value of the column)
MIN (It finds the minimum value of the column)
FIRST (this function finds the first value of the column)
MEDIAN (Function calculates the median of the column value)
SUM (This function is used to calculate the sum of the column value)
VARIANCE (This function is used to calculate the variance of the column value)
STDDEV (STDDEV function is used to calculate the standard deviation of the given column value)
Question: What are the different types of Passive Transformation in Informatica PowerCenter?
Sequence Generator Transformation
Lookup Transformation
Expression Transformation
XML Source Qualifier Transformation
Stored Procedure Transformation
External Procedure Transformation
Input Transformation (Mapplet)
Output Transformation (Mapplet)
Stored Procedure Transformation
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